Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Now - Discover months tricks up scattered online

Now - Discover months tricks up scattered online

Since ancient times to the present day women make-up tricks used to be displayed and the best of the most beautiful views. But with the development of social media known these tricks and reported by the sites and even some girls won them fame very wide. Especially with the spread of the phenomenon of codes of beauty and cosmetology who Tnhern educational videos aesthetic of how to use masking tape to get through to Aaleiner Winged lip augmentation and others.

So what are the most famous tricks online make-up?

We'll show you a set of the most famous tricks to apply make-up, which can be applied and the use of the renewable views and distinctive.

Lipstick technique to hide the flaws:

This technique is very widely spread widely in recent times where he achieved great success. But the difficulty is applied to cover the redness completely.

Make-up crushed:

A lot of times we fall cans Vtteixr make-up and turn into crumbs and we have to throw it. But since the day you can take advantage of this broken and scattered the pieces nicely without Thtagy for disposal.

Where it will be presented this video a great solution to fix this disaster. Which is one of the most prevalent techniques of make-up recently.

Technique "bread" flip

Exquisite technique to get the distinctive appearance of the skin and gorgeous face and called bread because it relies on a thick layer of translucent powder over Alkoncelr and left them for about ten minutes where Alkoncelr bread inside the lines and wrinkles of the skin. As you will see in this video.

Lip augmentation technique:

All the girls Mhosat today Bmodh enlarge lips or lips swollen but some do not dare to undergo injections and zoom so prefer natural means or those made by make-up. It has spread a lot of videos that provided many of the methods and techniques for lip augmentation by make-up.

Where you can follow this video do you recognize how easily enlarge lips without injections

Adhesive tape for the work of the winged Alaaleiner

Most women suffer from inability to draw Alaaleiner especially well Alaaleiner winged and who needs to identify the parties equally.

However, the tape method as shown in the video is a great way to solve this problem.

Lipstick trick long-lasting:

For lipstick fixed long lasting You can follow this method is described in the video using a tissue and translucent powder to get the lipstick fixed.


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