Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Economic Court ended ended a dispute between the technical production company and someone took advantage of the technical Msnfadtha

Economic Court ended ended a dispute between the technical production company and someone took advantage of the technical Msnfadtha

Successful preparation Economic Court Authority, headed by Judge Fred Tamer, in ending the conflict between the company Digital Sound Art Production and the person has a special account on YouTube global site, not about the eligibility of the last in the exploitation of the works of art owned by Digital.For his part, Almscar Tareq Abu Hashima began legal mediation between the company and the plaintiff and the defendant's actions, where he managed to end the conflict by making peace.The defendant opened an account on YouTube world, and the development of artistic works on his own account on the site aforementioned and will be ideally exploited unlawfully, since the audio-visual works belonging to all elements of the company Prosecutor, which forced it to resort to the judiciary not to the eligibility of the defendant in the exploitation artistic works and delete it from his own account on YouTube.This came in the context of the role played by the preparation of economic courts Authority, end economic disputes through judicial mediation as one of the alternative methods to resolve disputes that arise between the various stakeholders, including its positive effects on attracting foreign investment, the growth of the national economy, as the law the establishment of the economic Court had granted powers to prepare body to terminate any disputes before starting to take judicial proceedings, which would raise the withers to the judges, which increases investment in the country.


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