Monday, February 29, 2016

Report - Why tell Mido 'historical episode with Amr Adib'?

Report - Why tell Mido 'historical episode with Amr Adib'?

Why Murtada Mansour, head of Zamalek said on Sunday that he had already visited once or two senators to bless him is not to be used in "magic works"? It seems that ring with Amr Adeeb Ahmed Hossam 'Mido' will fulfill its promises.

Since Ahmed "Mido" Hossam, former head coach of Zamalek announced his intention to appear with Amr Adib, things escalated in the loop helps you to become a "historic" as described and awaited Mido.

Mido announced the appointment Episode 10 days ago. During those ten days he showed a lot of titles that will certainly be the focus of an interview with Ahmed Hossam Amr Adib.

This is reviewed by the following report:

1) Sheikh and Business

Mido said through channel with life sparked a crisis between him and the President of Zamalek: "Murtada Mansour was assisted by elders and witches."

He continued, "This was putting pressure on the players Zamalek because he says so and so suffers from magic knots and Allan belted job. These things greatly affected the team."

Murtada Mansour proactive movement spoke with Khaled Ghandour cross-channel LTC, said: "I do not use the witches. It is a shame that the former Zamalek coach says that his team's achievements are actions."

He added, "I used to go to Sheikh goes to him all Egyptians to be blessed, a man close to God, no more, no less."

Read Murtada Mansour's comments full Sheikh from here ..

This proactive step after Mido hinted that he possessed images of Murtaza Mansour when a Senate.

2) intervention Murtada Mansour

Mido said in life that Murtada Mansour channel next to the pressure on the players he was trying to intervene in what is not technically own thing.

Here a large exchange of accusations because Ahmed Murtada Mansour supervisor of the ball-section of the club's board said that Mido tried to sell important players such as Mohamed Ibrahim and Ibrahim Salah and Hazem Imam and others.

Zamalek adopts the club defended its interests in the storming of the powers Mido and prevent it from selling players.

Click here to learn about the details of the statements Ahmed Murtada against Mido ..

Mido and suggests that Murtada Mansour was interfering in the formation, or trying to do so.

Zamalek also asks "if it intervenes in the formation Murtaza why Mido did not refuse and resign?".

Here an important axis of the ring.

3) post description Mido Balvashl

Description Murtada Mansour former Zamalek coach Balvashl in a number of videos and interventions telephone.

Amr Adib certainly will address this matter.

And here came home a great pass from Murtada Mansour can Mido recorded belong to the club president's statement that Ayman Hefny told him about the story with Hossam Ashour.

Hafni says Ashour was surprising that Zamalek playmaker watching him pitch, he said Ahli star to him: "My son, who I'm supposed to hold you."

That story recounted Mansour coddling that Mido invented in football.

Read the full story on the tongue of Murtaza Mansour here ..

Mido declined to comment on the matter when asked, saying only: "I will answer in due time."

Episode may be the most appropriate time to say where Mido The doubles was calling for pressure on Ahli Ashour to prevent attacks from the building at the top. And that this may be the example that is useful in the evaluation of Ahmed Hossam Murtaza technicians.

But here as well as the question about the assessment of Mido for himself as a coach with Zamalek won the Cup and lost the league, playing for weeks with the Ismaili presented excellent football and then left after a fight with a player, the last trip with the Knights.

4) Mayoka and Hacatara

While Zamalek contract with Mayoka deployment Mido with Twitter video Hacatara goals in the African Nations Cup for the locals.

Is this a hint that he would have preferred not Hacatara Mayoka and the club walked reverse his convictions?

There are the focus of the most important, holding Mayoka.

5) hold Mayoka

Watan published decades says Zamalek pay 300 thousand dollars to the Under Israeli players.

Media accused Amr Abdel right channel echo country Mido leaking those contracts to Al-Watan newspaper.

But perhaps it was difficult for any media to draw such an accusation for Mido even if Amr Adib.

Then Murtada Mansour came Mido publicly accused of being behind the leak of those contracts, which he described Balmzorh, therefore, become imperative for Adib Ahmed Hossam to ask in this regard through the historic episode.

Read the indictment Murtada Mansour for Mido .. Click here

6) sons Murtaza

Mido said that the role of the sons Murtaza Mansour disrupt the march of Zamalek will be unveiled, is something that will be presented during the episode?

Mido said that Prince Ahmed Murtada Mansour of his friends again, but he said in Al Hayat that he had spoken with them personally negative opinion on the club's board recently.

Why tell Mido in the loop on this matter?

6) shook the stability of Zamalek?

The most important thing Mido will try to maintain it is not shown in the picture of the man who destroys the temple. And that shows in all his words that his goal revealed problems do not destabilize Zamalek.

Read Mohammad Sabri's remarks: attacking Zamalek after his departure betray Secretariat ..

That is the difficult task considering that social media blamed the former Zamalek coach Speaking at a media format nervous about the club.

Because Murtada Mansour said clearly: "Hazem Emam gone quietly For this we thank him and wish his return soon among us. But Mido Zamalek accused of witchcraft that he wins and played down the club and shook its stability."

How Mido respond to that?

7) Personal insults

Heaped Murtada Mansour and many many accusations and insults at the head of Mido through several video clips.

Mansour accused Mido workouts that comes in a state of "Sugar" and that "Zamalkawy fake" because he traveled early and leave the club and lots and lots of those accusations.

Is Full Mido or rise above it? Is Full indictment accusing similar to Murtada Mansour? Or turn to the Ethics Committee of FIFA?

Read - Mido Murtada Mansour: I will teach you how people are respected ..

Wait loop that begins at nine thirty in the evening on the OSN.

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Cleopatra source

10 mistakes ruin the diet ..ahdhiraha

10 mistakes ruin the diet ..ahdhiraha

Diet stressful issue needed a great deal of restraint in addition to abandon habits, it may not be associated with food but is hampered, including social media, or the quality of the music you hear during athletic workouts.
Diet stressful issue needs a great deal of restraint in addition to abandon habits, it may not be associated with food but is hampered, including social media, or the quality of the music you hear during athletic workouts.
Lack of sleep: the number of hours of sleep plays a critical role in determining the degree of success of the diet or not, Few hours sleep a night, leading to increased secretion of the hormone ghrelin, stimulating hunger. Information that many people also do not know is that the body burns the equivalent of 70 calories during a single time during sleep.
Social media: holds many smartphone minutes before sleeping to take a picture and broadcast via various networking sites without realizing that the blue light emitted from the phone prevents the production of the hormone of sleep known as melatonin, which in turn leads to difficulty sleeping and then subjected to bouts of sudden hunger for the night.
Eat in front of the TV: Follow the series or favorite movie while eating, one of the biggest mistakes that ruin the diet, Focusing on two things at the same time we do not realize the moment of satiety and therefore we can dwell on eating candy or without borders.
Lack of exposure to sunlight: Open the curtains rooms of the house with the beginning of the day, the things that help you lose weight, as a scientific study published by the magazine, Brigitte, German, showed that sunlight during daylight hours helps stimulate metabolism and thus help to burn fat effectively.
Light breakfast: crackers morning of the favorite dishes on a special diet followers breakfast table (diet), but the human body needs for energy in the beginning of the day, so the egg protein-rich body extends this energy intake as well as it gives a feeling of satiety.
Tension morning: being late for an appointment and appropriate waking state of tension known to many people before going to work, leading to the secretion of the hormone cortisol, which hinders the process of building proteins in the body and instead immediately withdraw protein from muscles to be converted into glucose.
Abandoned lunch: Some believe that abandoning noon break during work and lunch, it may help to speed to get rid of weight, but what happens is just the opposite as the abandonment of a meal makes the body reduces power consumption and thus falls burn fat.
Eating fast: eat quickly and without proper chewing, delaying the feeling of satiety and usually also impede the process of digestion and all of which inhibit weight loss, according to the site, easily Gizond to show, German.
Nocturne during exercise: Maybe suitable soothing music to relax after a long day at work, but while running in the gym, you must choose the fast tracks motivate you to increase physical activity.
Alscriat..last bonus: Some feel proud after a commitment to diet and sport for an entire week and believe they can reward themselves with a dessert which is expert warns him. Preferably in this case self-rewarding something other than food, such as watching a new movie or even a new hairstyle hair, because these things do not restore the lost calories to the body.


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Cleopatra source

محكمة جنح مصرية بحبس مقدمة البرامج التلفزيونية ريهام سعيد سنة ونصف وتغريمها 10 الاف جنية نحو 1250 دولار

الحبس سنة ونصف لمذيعة تلفزيون مصرية بتهمة التشهير بفتاة تعرضت للتحرش

قضت محكمة جنح مصرية الاثنين بحبس مقدمة البرامج التلفزيونية ريهام سعيد سنة ونصف وتغريمها 10 الاف جنية (نحو 1250 دولار) بعد ان دانتها بالتشهير لقيامها بعرض صور لفتاة تعرضت للتحرش وتحميلها مسؤولية ما جرى لها، بحسب مسؤول قضائي.
وقضت المحكمة بكفالة قدرها 15 الف جنيه (حوالى 1800 دولار) لوقف تنفيذ الحكم الى حين اعادة نظر القضية في محكمة الاستئناف.
وكانت قناة "النهار" الفضائية الخاصة اعلنت نهاية تشرين الاول/اكتوبر الماضي وقف برنامج ريهام سعيد التي حملت فتاه تعرضت للتحرش مسؤولية ما جرى لها، وذلك بعد وقف 17 شركة معلنة رعايتها للبرنامج اثر حملة غير مسبوقة على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي لمقاطعة هذه الشركات.
وكانت مقدمة برنامج "صبايا الخير" استضافت آنذاك فتاة تعرضت للتحرش في احد المراكز التجارية الكبيرة في القاهرة واتهمتها بانها ترتدي ازياء (بنطال جينز ضيق وقميص بدون اكمام) تدفع الشباب للتحرش بها بل تشجعهم على ذلك.
وعرضت ريهام سعيد بعد ان انهت لقاءها مع الفتاة صورا خاصة للاخيرة من دون ان توضح كيف حصلت عليها. تظهر الفتاه في احدى الصور وهي تمرح على الشاطئ مع صديق لها مرتدية لباس بحر من قطعتين.
وعلقت المذيعة على هذه الصور قائلة ان اي فتاة تقبل ان تمرح "بالمايوه بهذا الشكل اكيد يمكن ان تقبل ان يعاكسها اي شخص".
واضافت "كما نحاسب المتحرشين يتعين علينا محاسبة البنات اللواتي يخطئن ويقمن بتصرفات غير لطيفة ويشجعن الشباب (...) ويرتدين ملابس يمكن ان تعطي ايحاءات وعندما يحاول التحدث معهن يستدعين الامن".
واتهمت الفتاة التي تعرضت للتحرش بعد ذلك في برنامج تلفزيوني اخر ريهام سعيد بانها "سرقت صورها الخاصة من هاتفها المحمول" مؤكدة ان احد مساعدي ريهام اخذه منها اثناء تصوير الحلقة بحجة انه سيقوم بشحنه وثم قام بسرقة الصور منه.
واثار موقف ريهام سعيد من مسألة التحرش ونشرها الصور الخاصة للفتاة استياء واسعا على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي حيث انتشرت حينها دعوات لمقاطعة الشركات التي ترعى برنامجها.
وبالفعل اعلنت 17 شركة ترعى البرنامج تباعا وقف اعلاناتها، وبعد ذلك اعلن علاء الكحكي مالك شبكة قنوات النهار تعليق برنامج "صبايا الخير".
وينتشر التحرش بالفتيات والنساء في مصر على نطاق واسع. ووفقا لدراسة للامم المتحدة صدرت في العام 2013، فان 99% من المصريات يؤكدن التعرض للتحرش "سواء كن يرتدين ملابس على الطريقة الغربية او كن محجبات".
( زوروا موقعنا هنا هتلاقى كل حاجة عندنا ) 
المصدر  الفرنسية

Dialogue with - goalkeeper Toldo Inter Milan and Italy coach: Salah great .. Mido and firm senior .. and Buffon did not take the media Hakki

Dialogue with - goalkeeper Toldo Inter Milan and Italy coach: Salah great .. Mido and firm senior .. and Buffon did not take the media Hakki

"Quality Egyptian player is very good, Salah good example of this and before him there was Mido Hazem Emam. Even though varied degrees of success but in the end, they came to Calcio because they are great players."
Francesco Toldo, the famous Italian goalkeeper, which the Egyptian public and the world knew him in general in EURO 2000, when the reincarnation of the role of Superman and led Italy to the final before falling dramatically against France in the final.
Star of Fiorentina and Inter past Toldo, who saw the Italian press at the time that he was subjected to injustice media compared to "spoiled Parma" and then Gianluigi Buffon, occur in the dialogue reads as follows:
-mphajoh Great for all of us to know that your start was with Milan and the club leave you leave?
Sure, I was in junior team there and was named goalkeeper Sebastiano Rossi, had preserved his place in the starting line to Milan, and I wanted to play, but this did not keep.
Things were tough at the time but the future was holding me a lot of good things.
He -bajew play at Inter Milan and Juventus, but he said he loved Fiorentina, more than any other team, many people like Florence, despite playing the biggest teams. What is the secret of it?
Florence story is extremely beautiful. The city as a whole a great stretch of the hand of the club when things are good and the fans are going strongly related to the team, lasted with me for eight years.
Italy won the Cup twice and the Super Cup against AC Milan. The team was led by a strong and players are excellent Kpatestuta and Rui Costa
- To Inter .. many accomplishments achieved but always felt that the audience was able to achieve more Inter without bias arbitration sometimes for Juventus?
Well, from my point of view we should not look for excuses. You have to solve your problems within the club and with the team, and think to blame the referees is only an excuse, this is the logical thinking in such matters, is that things are going to be a waste of time.
- Do you believe you have been wronged media in favor of Buffon?
Certainly not. I think that my career was excellent too and I'm extremely satisfied with everything provided.
Clearly Buffon is a great keeper but there was a difference. I was born in 71, a 77 or 78, that is, we were in two different age groups of two phases, and in Italy there are always competitive among goalkeepers, so he should have been there to be competitive among us.
-ioro 2000. Do you expect the performance given by the tournament?
Yes, I was expecting it, self for me is very important in order to achieve any goal, conviction and enthusiasm. In this age small, these two factors comes automatically.
-mama Did you feel after Tqmst starring role against the Netherlands?
After the shootout calm you, yes you are happy and satisfied with the performance, but this was for me to work.
Action in the end was well appreciated, and this match then became historic.
-allhzh Most ill probably in the history of Toldo. Wiltord goal in the final game?
Unfortunately bad feeling. I could not believe what had happened, but that's part of life and play football.
Of losing him to give his best and always looking for a response. It should start and all the second and third The center is a good result, even if we do not win the championship.
-To Egyptian affairs .. How do you see the participation of Mohamed Salah in the Italian league this season?
Salah is a great champion, unlike the tremendous speed that beats them, and also I think it's a wonderful person, in Egypt, the quality of the players are very good way and this is important, Salah confirmed.
-Are You see it is possible to join Inter in the future?
I do not think so. It is now a player in Rome, and it would be difficult for him to move to Inter.
Important for him now to share with the team to be good and we'll see what will happen in the future.
The future of the great heroes depends on a variety of situations and things.
-bouklav Salah What is known about Egyptian players?
In Serie A, and Mido was imam, great players, as reported in Egypt, the quality of the players is very good, even though varied degrees of success, but in the end they came to the Calcio because they are great players.


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Oscars 2016: Full List Of Winners

Oscars 2016: Full List Of Winners

The 2016 Oscars kicked off on Sunday night hosted by Chris Rock and boasting a cavalcade of stars from Hollywood and beyond. The winners have now been announced with Leonardo DiCaprio bagging the coveted Best Actor trophy, ‘Spotlight’ winning Best Picture, and ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ winning 6 awards in total.
Brit Mark Rylance pipped Sylvester Stallone to the Best Supporting Actor award, while Brie Larson and Alicia Vikander won Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress respectively.
Here’s who won what at the 88th Academy Awards…
Bridge of Spies

The Martian
The Revenant

Bryan Cranston - ‘Trumbo’
Eddie Redmayne - ‘The Danish Girl’

Matt Damon - ‘The Martian’
Michael Fassbender - ‘Steve Jobs’

Actor in a Supporting Role
Christian Bale - ‘The Big Short’
Mark Ruffalo - ‘Spotlight’

Mark Rylance - ‘Bridge of Spies’
Sylvester Stallone - ‘Creed’
Tom Hardy - ‘The Revenant’

Actress in a Leading Role

Brie Larson - ‘Room’
Jennifer Lawrence - ‘Joy’
Charlotte Rampling - ‘45 Years’
Saoirse Ronan - ‘Brooklyn’

Actress in a Supporting Role
Jennifer Jason Leigh - ‘The Hateful Eight’
Rooney Mara - ‘Carol’
Rachel McAdams - ‘Spotlight’

Alicia Vikander - ‘The Danish Girl’
Kate Winslet - ‘Steve Jobs’

Adam McKay - ‘The Big Short’
George Miller - ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’

Alejandro González Iñárritu - ‘The Revenant’
Lenny Abrahamson - ‘Room’
Tom McCarthy - ‘Spotlight’

‘Boy and the World’

‘Shaun the Sheep Movie’
‘When Marnie Was There’

‘The Danish Girl’

‘Mad Mad: Fury Road’
‘The Revenant’

Documentary Feature
‘Cartel Land’
‘The Look of Silence’
‘What Happened, Miss Simone?’
‘Winter on Fire’

Documentary Short
‘Body Team’
‘Chau, Beyong the Lines’
‘Flaude Lanzmann’

‘A Girl in the River’
Last Day of Freedom

Makeup and Hairstyling
‘The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared’
‘The Revenant’

‘Earned It’ - ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
‘Simple Song #3′ - ‘Youth’
‘Til It Happens to You’ - ‘The Hunting Ground’

‘Writing’s on the Wall’ - Spectre
‘Manta Ray’ - ‘Racing Extinction’

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Yahoo Movies UK source

Sunday, February 28, 2016

League Cup: Caballero seals spot-kick Wembley glory for Manchester City

League Cup: Caballero seals spot-kick Wembley glory for Manchester City

Manchester City won the League Cup for the second time in three years with a penalty shoot-out victory over Liverpool.

Manchester City won the League Cup for the second time in three years with a penalty shoot-out victory over Liverpool.
Willy Caballero was the hero as Manchester City claimed the first major silverware of the season by beating Liverpool 3-1 on penalties after a 1-1 draw in 120 minutes of the League Cup final at Wembley.
Liverpool had won all five of their previous cup finals that had gone to a shoot-out, but the City goalkeeper – playing in place of Joe Hart in domestic cup competitions this term – saved from Lucas LeivaPhilippe Coutinho and Adam Lallana to allow Yaya Toure to net the winning spot-kick.
In the match itself, Sergio Aguero had forced Simon Mignolet to tip his shot onto the post, but the Liverpool goalkeeper should have kept outFernandinho's strike from a tight angle early in the second half.
City squandered a number of chances to win it in 90 minutes and paid the price when Coutinho powered home late on with Liverpool's first shot on target and extra-time did not produce a winner.
But Caballero's star turn means City win the competition for the second time in three seasons and the fourth time overall in what is manager Manuel Pellegrini's final season in charge of the club.
City's previous success in 2014 was followed up by a Premier League crown and that trophy remains up for grabs this season, along with the Champions League.

Sergio Aguero of Manchester City celebrates victory with team mates after the penalty shoot out during the Capital …
Jurgen Klopp, meanwhile, has now lost four consecutive finals as a manager and Liverpool have still only won silverware once since 2006.
After a quiet start to the contest, City came so close to finding an opener midway through the first half.
David Silva's throughball released Aguero and the striker raced pastMamadou Sakho before shooting right-footed towards the bottom corner, with Mignolet getting down to tip it onto the post with a crucial one-handed save.
That incident prompted Klopp to replace the France defender, who was struggling having received a blow to the head in an accidental clash with team-mate Emre Can and Kolo Toure came on as a visibly furious Sakho protested against the decision.
Alberto Moreno then had a penalty appeal turned down by refereeMichael Oliver after he went down under Fernandinho's challenge at the corner of the box.
City's breakthrough arrived after just four minutes of the second half. Aguero fed an overlapping Fernandinho on the right and the midfielder drilled in a shot form a tight angle that somehow squirmed under Mignolet to find the far corner.
It then could have been game over for Liverpool as they survived two major scares in quick succession. First, a slick counter-attack ended with Silva creating a brilliant opening and the goal was at Raheem Sterling's mercy from eight yards out, but he could only shoot wide against his former club. 
A few moments later, Aguero was felled by Moreno's challenge as he bore down on goal, but Oliver was unmoved, prompting major City penalty protests.
Willy Caballero of Manchester City saves a penalty from Lucas Leiva of Liverpool in the shoot out during the Capital …
Pellegrini's men continued to make all the running and Klopp threw on Lallana and Divock Origi as his team appeared to be slipping towards defeat.
And it was Liverpool's first shot on target that produced a dramatic equaliser with seven minutes remaining.
Daniel Sturridge's teasing cross found Lallana at the far post and the substitute struck his close-range attempt against the post, but Coutinho made no mistake, smashing the rebound past Caballero.
City immediately rallied and were denied twice by Mignolet, who made crucial stops from Fernando and Yaya Toure as the game moved into extra-time.
The best chance of the added 30 minutes saw the Belgium goalkeeper make another pivotal save, sticking out a strong left hand to keep out Aguero after his impressive run and shot.
It was then Caballero's turn to keep his team in it, getting down sharply to block Origi's header from James Milner's cross.
Then came penalties as Fernandinho struck the post with City's first attempt, but Lucas' effort was impressively saved by Caballero, who then kept out a weak spot-kick from Coutinho and made a stunning stop from Lallana.
That allowed Yaya Toure to step up, beating Mignolet with a low strike to send City players and supporters alike wild.
Willy Caballero of Manchester City celebrates victory with his team mates after the penalty shoot out during the …

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Chelsea fan view: Clumsy Chelsea Stumble to Undeserved Win

Chelsea fan view: Clumsy Chelsea Stumble to Undeserved Win

 Chelsea fan Zaki Ahmed say that coming into this game on the back of the defeat to PSG, the problems shone through that Chelsea are not so much versed in the art of attack anymore.
Chelsea players celebrate after Chelsea's Branislav Ivanovic, hidden, scores his sides second goal of the game during the English Premier League soccer match between Southampton FC and Chelsea FC at the St Mary's Stadium in Southampton. Saturday Feb. 27, 2016. (Paul Harding /PA via AP) UNITED KINGDOM OUT - NO SALES - NO ARCHIVES
It feels very good to get three points over the Saints in an aggressive St. Mary’s stadium, but wholly undeserved.

Coming into this game on the back of the defeat to PSG, the problems shone through that Chelsea are not so much versed in the art of attack anymore. Forward passes and runs seem a foreign concept, and set pieces still count for a lot of Chelsea’s opportunities.

Watching the game was frustrating for the most part until the second half when Chelsea went into machine-mode and kept possession well in the opposition half. But as they say, “it’s not how much you have the ball, but what you do with it,” and Chelsea aren’t capable of doing much except for dribbling, moving play like molasses, and getting into farcical conflicts due to various Diego Costa-isms.

Southampton are a respectable team with a resilient and strong squad. The wing play was batted away by Ivanovic and Cahill, and the only concession was the mistake by the soon-to-be-transferred-or-loaned-out Baba Rahman. Where have all the good left-backs gone? Oh right, Chelsea sold them.

The die has been cast for what this season is: an overall disappointment. But there has to be some sort of recognition of what needs working on and there hasn’t been any progress made. Chelsea are made to defend, everyone knows that, but it takes goals to be a successful squad.

All this meandering by Fabregas, plotting for ages what tune to orchestrate next - unwatchable. Willian’s stalls and feint dribbles in wasteful positions - infuriating. Hazard’s unwillingness to shoot - aggravating. 

How is this squad going to shape up? Rumours-nigh-on-facts about Antonio Conte becoming manager sound auspicious as former player Andrea Pirlo forewarned the “beast” inside Conte. An angry energy that demands the best from his players are exactly what Chelsea need. There are so many wasted opportunities and timid plays - it’s as if the entire squad is out of ideas.

That is the difference between Chelsea and properly good teams today - everyone has an idea of what to do next and Chelsea haven’t got that depth. There’s never a surprise run being made by Azpilicueta into the box, or a consistent play of forward passes to onrushing players because there’s no idea between the players about who’s to pass and who’s to run.

Inventiveness is what is missing - collaboration and teamwork culminating in a strategy that has a high probability of unlocking the defense. There’s only one Willian who’s willing to do it all. Everybody else is lacking in one department or another.

More depth, more forward thinking play, and more bravery - that’s what will make Chelsea formidable again. That’s what will win games, instead of striking lucky.


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Cleopatra source

Cristiano Ronaldo Blasts Real Madrid Teammates After Embarrassing Derby Loss

Cristiano Ronaldo Blasts Real Madrid Teammates After Embarrassing Derby Loss
Real Madrid superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has come out with some explosive comments after Antoine Griezmann's goal handed Atletico a win in Saturday's hotly anticipated Madrid derby at the Santiago Bernabeu.

Real Madrid superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has come out with some explosive comments after Antoine Griezmann's goal handed Atletico a win in Saturday's hotly anticipated Madrid derby at the Santiago Bernabeu.

 ​ Real Madrid superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has come out with some explosive comments after Antoine Griezmann's goal handed Atletico a win in Saturday's hotly anticipated Madrid derby at the Santiago Bernabeu.

The result leaves Real in third place in La Liga and playing serious catch up in the title race. Consequently, Ronaldo appeared to question the quality of many of his fellow teammates.

"If everyone was as good as me, maybe we would be first," the 31-year-old is quoted as saying by

"If a team does not play with the best is difficult to win a long competition," he added.

Ronaldo was not entirely damning, though. He made sure to state that he does not include Karim Benzema or close friend Marcelo, who was injured, in his comments. Even in-house rival Gareth Bale, who was also absent because of injury, was immune.

"I do like playing with Karim, with [Gareth] Bale, Marcelo, I am not saying that others are not good, for example Danilo has today been the best on the pitch," he commented.

As for his own recent performances in Real's alarming slump in form, Ronaldo is definitely not happy with how he is being perceive.

"From what the press says it seems like I am doing sh*t but the numbers and statistics do not lie. They are there," he said.


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Why would lose if DiCaprio won an Oscar?

Why would lose if DiCaprio won an Oscar?

Amid all the candidates for the Oscar in 2016 and possibly in the whole of the decade, has Leonardo DiCaprio currently nomination, as best actor for his last film "return from the dead" The Revenant highest media and public attention. In fact, this point alone will ensure that the ceremony this year, a huge number of viewers! .. I expect that this ceremony is superior to its predecessor sized up the highest difference is simple.
No wonder this attention. DiCaprio months a representative of his generation approx. Film tally includes a large number of works which received world-admired, was nominated for an Academy Award as best film. In addition to the fact that his dealings with the elite directors Hollywood Currently: Baz Luhrmann - James Cameron - Danny Boyle - Steven Spielberg - Woody Allen - Ridley Scott - Clint Eastwood - Christopher Nolan - Quentin Tarantino - Sam Mendes - Edward Zwick - Alejandro Anarret .. More importantly, Martin Scorsese, who deal with him until now 5 times.
If we add to the above the fact that his candidacy for the award previously 4 times in the representation, the beginning of his nomination as best supporting actor for the film What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) presented before he knew the fame, all the way to the latest failures to win Best Actor for The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 ) actually becomes a proven track record in front of us is worthy of recognition.
Winning the award has its disadvantages. According to estimates from the last 10 years has actor winner immediately, on average, an increase in pay between (3.5 million dollars), in addition to literary glory and fame the most performances in the roles. And of course to ensure victory for the film itself the highest sales, both at the box office or media viewing home sales.

All regular accounts - and any another star - seems to win if the gain. But DiCaprio is not like others. In my opinion it will not help him win as much as Sadharh!

A star nets heavy weight now, DiCaprio does not need to boost the Oscar about his wages. This completely drops the first feature. And certainly it has a cash balance of mass and universally applauded enough. As for the commercial for the movie itself won gains, it is certainly a source of happiness for producers more than others.

DiCaprio is currently without an Oscar in the best position! .. The continuing loss of the award, the best propaganda regular and sustained in his reputation as an actor, the more powerful and fuel for the support and sympathy of millions with him.

On the contrary, the former star Aandem luck for decades in the Oscars, led by Al Pacino, who won in the nineties after the shine and nominations over 20 years, luck DiCaprio willing to exist in a different time. The best time. Time online and Alsocheal Media. Time ordinary people merger flags and their contribution to it. Time comics and satirical images of GIF. Time to ensure any issue or a joke, a chance to turn to Trend media is spreading among the millions or billions.

The rules of this age and this world, not looking for an achievement or victory, as far as looking for a problem or dilemma. Winning will not be obtained in Alsocheal Media only a few days or weeks of celebration. The loss?! .. There is nothing wrong happened. Thousands of comics .. thousand jokes .. thousands of videos. DiCaprio (oppressed) is much better and more widespread, from DiCaprio (the winner)!

Certificate of loss and ensure the continued renewal of DiCaprio's dilemma with the Oscars. The dilemma means more and more attention to public and follow-up, waiting for the solution in other years and seasons to come .. wait mean follow-up stronger and ticket sales most probably next to his films .. mean follow-up stronger for a moment announced the list of nominations .. follow-up to the top of the ceremony Oscar is coming .. loss short of fuel DiCaprio makes it the most successful and most famous and more mass!

Winning the decisive point. Just like the final whistle in matches. Certainly a happy ending for him and his fans (myself included). But the final whistle simply means that follow-up is over! .. That DiCaprio has become like the rest. Another star holds an Oscar. It is time that Nhzvh name from the list of jokes Alsocheal Media, because the axis of humor over.

For these reasons, I do not see the expected win - and certainly from my point of view - I have a gain Caprio much as it is a temporary joy, pull to the most important point of the recipe has been associated with during his career (the star that Nashgah and respect him and did not garner appreciation after Alooscara).

Winning will be linked to the film is different from the mainstream. Unlike many see the movie The Revenant privileged to the fullest extent (we'll discuss this in detail in a review of the film later). I see DiCaprio's performance also block more than excellent already. But the nature of the role, which does not depend on dialogue, as far as relying on physical presence and eye looks, will not leave often the same stock left by other roles with millions of viewers, and on top of the two roles is best in its history, after the arrival of the famous (Aviator - The Wolf of Wall Street).

With the exception of Michael Fassbender's performance in the film "Steve Jobs" Steve Jobs do not see in other candidates who is better than DiCaprio. If winning just because of the different opinions. Comparison with previous roles also the idea of ​​a mistake, because the prize at the end, belong to competitions in one year. There is no logic in the question: how to win this year and lost in The Wolf of Wall Street who made the role better? .. Regardless of the conviction that his role in the latter was already better.

And, of course, it can not be completely dismissed the idea of ​​the effect (accrual) as the decisive factor in the vote Oscars in all branches. In losing the final in 2013 was my bet with a friend, that DiCaprio will win the prize at the Oscars in 2018 at the most. Why? .. Simply because it arrived after the recent loss of the pyramid (Merit). Thus all that is needed is often the last nomination, to reap the award.

The example that deserves to be mentioned here, it may be his teacher Martin Scorsese. Director and producer and scriptwriter who knew the way to Oscar nominations in 1980 with the film Raging Bull continued a regular participant in, finally winning in 2007 thanks to the film The Departed.

In the beginning with the announcement of the winner was the media and the monetary tone globally, is the graciousness beating, which is long overdue. Later after the end of the ceremony and its impact, it has become the dominant say (Scorsese deserves the award for other films). Is Scorsese benefited from the win? .. Do you stop the history of an exceptional director like him really an Oscar? .. Not my answer. Scorsese actually won his place much earlier. And that was probably an answer that does not match his mind.
Often we got to the station about DiCaprio in 2016. I see him winning by at least 99%, and I expect to have this win later questioned similar marks. In addition of course, the above-mentioned points. If you prefer to place (loss) quite happily! .. DiCaprio's first star I know, the more weight in the media and a mass of (continuing loss)!
At another level is also the first star was waiting for his moment of declaration of winners, happily confirmed in both cases! .. Or without Oscar, DiCaprio classify as one of the best representatives of his generation. Given the excellent choices constantly, it will almost always be held in this classification.


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