Trump: You must be used torture waterboarding with terrorists after the explosions Brussels
Donald Trump
Donald Trump said the most prominent potential Republican candidates for the US presidency on Tuesday that the United States should use the method of waterboarding and other violent interrogation methods during the interrogation of suspects in terrorist crimes and renewed his call for tighter security controls on the US border after the Brussels attacks.
Trump said in an interview broadcast on NBC television that the authorities "have the ability to do anything you want" to get information in an effort to pre-empt future attacks. "
Trump said "quite a bit by using the method of waterboarding. If they were able to expand the laws I would do much more than a method of waterboarding," he said, adding that he believes that torture may help draw useful evidence to the officials.
"You can get information from these people."
US President Barack Obama and the ban after taking office in 2009, waterboarding way in which they are pouring water on someone's face to feel like a drowning method of investigation described by critics as torture.
Trump said, "I stand at the camp that wants access to information .. and quickly," he said, adding that laws are "liberal" in Europe made it difficult to deal with potential attacks.
He called Trump, who tops the list of candidates for the card the Republican nomination in the primaries to ban the entry of Muslims to the United States and renewed claim more to stop the flow of Syrian refugees especially illegal immigration procedures.
"If elected president Vsotaaml be strictly on the border and will not allow people with their own eyes Login to this country without full documentation."
The two attacks killed at Brussels station for metro trains airport at least 30 people on Tuesday morning before announcing the organization Daash responsibility from them.
Potential Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton did not deny the Americans fear after a series of attacks that have occurred in the recent period, but said: The military leaders have discovered the futility of methods, including waterboarding.
She added in an interview with NBC "must act in a manner consistent with our values. We do not need to resort to torture, but they will need more help."
The new Ted Cruz, who competes with Trump on the Republican nomination card call for an immediate halt to Obama's plan to introduce thousands of Syrian refugees into the United States.
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